About the Pumice in ChillDust™
It begins deep underground, in the fiery heart of a volcano, water mixing with molten rock...the pressure builds until finally finding a violent, spectacular release. The trapped water in the viscous, super-heated rock flashes to steam, blasting the magma into a frothy stone that cools, hardens, and falls to the earth as pumice. Sometime later, somewhere high in the Andean mountain range, a chinchilla herd found a drift of pumice powder ash and fell in love: the little critters had found dust bath heaven.

Examine pumice under magnification and what you’ll see is best described as a foamed stone. That frothy matrix of tiny pockets and grabbing edges are ideal for capturing dirt and absorbing oils from fur, feathers and skin.
Pumice is fascinatingly versatile, used widely in industry for a variety of processes and products—in personal care exfoliating products, polishing compounds, pencil erasers. It’s a functional filler for paints and coatings and a highly-effective concrete pozzolan. It is used filtration media for water, oil, and juices. It's a great soil amendment. And, of course, valuable in several applications for pet and livestock care.
About Hess Pumice
In continual operation since 1958, Hess Pumice operates production facilities equipped with the most current refining technology and machinery. Hess Pumice has a stable source of supply, an exclusive focus on producing precisely controlled pumice grades, and the logistical expertise to ship pumice anywhere on the planet. This focus has made Hess Pumice the world’s leading supplier of highly refined pumice products.